“Tell your own story, and you will be interesting.” Louise Bourgeois

Commissioned artwork
62cm x 46cm | 24″ x 18″
Oil on canvas
(See recommendation from client below)

Dea Speculum


“When Lindé first approached me with the idea of doing an intuitively inspired artwork I was very excited about it! Mostly excited but also a little scared of what might come up. We all have our past experiences and these influence our present and future, so it was amazing that the ‘theme’ of the painting she did for me was around ‘identity’ (past, current, future). The finished work blew me away emotionally. I was awestruck that someone can so accurately create a beautiful artwork out of the broken pieces of my past! One that makes me excited about building a future! The banner on the top that is empty is the message that keeps coming to me – that it’s up to me to determine my identity. It’s in my hands. In the weeks after I got the painting, different things kept coming up when I looked at it and thought about it. It has so many layers of meaning… This is truly a masterpiece that I will cherish forever! I would really encourage everyone to go through this remarkable process!”

Commissioned artwork
915mm x 762mm  |  36″ x 30”
Oil on canvas

Commissioned artwork
915mm x 762mm  |  36″ x 30”
Oil on canvas

The AwakeningSOLD
200cm x 160cm | 79″ x 63″
Oil on canvas

Commissioned artwork
62cm x 46cm | 24″ x 18″
Oil on canvas

Commissioned artwork
100cm x 76cm | 39″ x 30″
Oil on canvas