The process

We all have a story to tell, what is your story? What is the story you tell others, what is the story you tell yourself? If your life was a blank canvas, how would you portray it? When was the last time you truly paused and really looked at your story?

The journey

Maybe your life is like an ocean, you have faced many storms, yet below the surface, you have remained calm and steady. Or perhaps your life simply tells a story of adventure, loss, learning, forgiveness, love, chaos or beauty.

Whether it is a moment you want to remember, something you value, or the truth and essence of who you are, perhaps even what the future possibly holds, whatever the journey, this is what needs to be captured.

From consultation to implementation, the entire experience will be a revelation. When was the last time you truly paused and really looked at your story?

What is your story?


“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Thomas Merton


Dea Speculum

When Lindé first approached me with the idea of doing an intuitively inspired artwork I was very excited about it! Mostly excited but also a little scared of what might come up. We all have our past experiences and these influence our present and future, so it was amazing that the 'theme' of the painting she did for me was around 'identity' (past, current, future). The finished work blew me away emotionally. I was awestruck that someone can so accurately create a beautiful artwork out of the broken pieces of my past! One that makes me excited about building a future! The banner on the top that is empty is the message that keeps coming to me - that it's up to me to determine my identity. It's in my hands. In the weeks after I got the painting, different things kept coming up when I looked at it and thought about it. It has so many layers of meaning... This is truly a masterpiece that I will cherish forever! I would really encourage everyone to go through this remarkable process!



melody of fun

"I was scrolling through my Instagram feed one morning when I came across this beautiful artwork. As a piano player, it resonated with me immediately. The combination of the colourful keys and my favourite instrument struck a very important note in my soul. When I contacted Lindè to enquire about the painting and she explained her creative process to me, I was even more awestruck – I am meant to be the owner of this piece of art. I always loved artwork that ‘spoke’ to me and have come across several that I connected with deeply, but I never imagined that an artwork could be produced “Just For Me” so serendipitously. It was exactly what I needed in my life – colour, joy, and fun! I am often so caught up in the rat race of being productive, efficient, and effective that I leave no space and energy for true living. It’s hard to be fun when you’re exhausted by the demands you’ve constantly made on yourself. It’s self inflicted, I know, and this delicate little artwork reminded me of that. It now sits above my piano, reminding me daily to lighten up and smell the roses, to take a break and breath in the fresh air, to look up at the sky and be truly grateful. Thank you Lindè."

Stephanie & Vince

Stephanie & Vince


"Admittedly we were not the easiest of clients for Lindè. We knew we wanted something but not quite what. We knew what we wanted to see but couldn’t quite voice that vision. We knew what we wanted to feel when we saw our painting but weren’t quite sure how to express those feelings to our artist. In the end it was a mumbled jumbled request for a painting which went out littered with words like “happy place”, “safe place” and “memories”. Eventually, amazingly, our Happy Place Landscape was unveiled and it was exactly what we couldn’t ask for but exactly what we wanted. Lindè managed to capture one of our favourite places not just in scenery but also in her colours and in the swirls of her paintbrush and in the final perfect “feel” of our painting. Overall it was a fantastic experience and we couldn't be happier with the outcome, which is currently hanging in our living room where we get to love it each and every day!"



moon shadow

"I am blessed to have such loving support from my sister that when she gifted me with an artwork from Lindè, I was completely blown away. Both by her generosity and especially in terms of the fact that the artwork was so on point where my life is concerned. At the time of taking receipt of the artwork, I was going through and trying to sort out the bottle necks that I have been experiencing and the artwork really helped me to know that essentially, I am on the right path. I coupled it with a session from a holistic life coach and wait for this... she hadn’t even seen the artwork and she too emphasized elements depicted in the artwork about my life. I am happier now going through life with a better understanding of how to push through to access my purest potential by being my authentic self. When I wake up, my artwork is one of the first things I see and it’s an important reminder that I have a purpose and the more I am successful, the greater my ability to help others."



the great act

"What I got the most from the artwork was a deep sense of realisation that my life’s purpose and my potential goes my imagination’s current capacity. There was an overwhelming feeling that Lindè awakened for me to live now to the greatest potential, a potential that lives deep inside of me but is now preparing to soar. There is a knowing now of endless possibilities that was triggered by this visual depiction of myself. Even my imagination was limited, I need to push myself further."




"I have been metamorphosing for a while now and often it’s been an uncomfortable experience for those around me. Lindè’s art captures the elements that resonate deeply within, and it's that self realisation process that makes them so endearing. They’ve assisted me in digging deeper and falling more in love with love and that sweet spot of the present moment. I am stronger, more vibrant and determined to live my best life."



In the afternoon

"I have always had a love for art and the amazing artists that makes our world a more colourful, exciting, creative and magical place. A moment in time where you imagine anything, be anything. A moment of joy, light, hurt, sadness, darkness and beauty. From the moment I encountered Lindè's artwork it took me to some of these places.  She is a wonderful, creative and soulful artist that captures moments and emotion. She pours who she is into each peace and captures magical moments. I love the fact that she constantly pushes herself into new creative avenues. I have always loved her diverse work and finally in a position where I have some of her work in my space. I will always be a follower and fan of her work and look forward to the moment when I can acquire another one of her special pieces."

Let's connect

*Consultation fee and an estimate for artwork will be sent on a quote via email.

Contact the artist